Location: Stretto-on-Dunsmore, Warwickshire
Client: Brookside Surgery
Principal Contractor: Active Construction
Value: £500k
This project involved an extension to Brookside to provide additional consulting and office space to enable the practice to offer an expansion of community based services within a rural location/hub by:
• Improving seven day access
• Increasing capacity for clinical services out of hospital
• Increasing training capacity
The scheme was completed under the ETTF and completed under the tight financial and program constraints required by this initiative.
The practice and onsite pharmacy remained operational throughout the works. The program of works was therefore based on a decant, refurbish and move in cycle over three phases.
The design was developed in consultation with clinicians, patients and the public and is based on generic room sizes to support multi functional use and to be adaptable to changing service needs and pathways. The building layout is based on clear designation of functions within a Public Zone, Community Care Zone and Staff Zone to achieve a clear separation of patient and staff areas and supports clear wayfinding and security.
The design and specification for the Surgery complies with the ‘Green Guide to Specification’ to ensure high levels of energy efficiency and low life cycle costs.The Surgery provides design solution based on quality, scale, colour to provide environment that compliments the high levels of health care.